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Sophia Cataldo
Oct 2, 20204 min read
Feel to Heal! A step by step guide to releasing emotions..
How often have you been told not to cry, that anger is dangerous and feelings should be kept to ourselves and not expressed? In order to...
Sophia Cataldo
Sep 25, 20203 min read
Our body knows the way..How to access your inner knowing
How often do you take a moment to connect with your body? To stop and listen to it’s innate wisdom? Did you even know the wisdom of the...
Sophia Cataldo
Sep 23, 20204 min read
Help, I'm a skeptic! Can Reiki really help me?
I think most people are preeeetty skeptical about Reiki when they hear about it, and hey, I don’t blame them! I myself struggled to...
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Sophia Cataldo
Sep 23, 20203 min read
What actually is Reiki?! How is it used and where does it come from?
Reiki is a Japanese word consisting of two characters “Rei” and “Kei”. Rei is Japanese for spiritual or sacred, and Ki is Japanese for...
Sophia Cataldo
Sep 20, 20207 min read
What the Chakra?! What role do Chakras play in your life? And how can Reiki support this?
What are these things called Chakras? And how do they actually affect us in our day to day lives? In the spiritual world the word Chakra...
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